Reading this book I’ve been hooked to lately, the two protagonists exchanged letters instead of texting through a social media platform, and it occurred to me what it would feel like to write letters again to someone.
Long letters where you don’t have a small talk and share reels on instagram, but instead write a heartfelt long paragraph where you talk about your day in full details, a whole paragraph where you romanticise the coffee you had earlier this morning or the stranger who make you smile in a random library.
Long letters where you discuss an idea you stumbled upon in a random article, write passionately about it as if your life depends on it. Talk to them about dinosaurs, apartheid in south Africa or the brain of an ADD patient. Talk about the meteors, the old civilisations or the way a child’s brain functions. Just write about whatever makes you feel a little step closer to them, having a small glimpse on their brains.
If I ever leave, send me letters, don’t text me, I’ll probably be on airplane mode.